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Key Players

 National Conservation Advisory Council (1973-1981)

National Institute for Conservation (1982- 1996)

Heritage Preservation (1997- 2015)


Dr. Edward Porter Alexander (1907- 2003): President of the American Association of Museums and the American Association for State and Local History


Martha Anderson worked for CAP Coordinator Mary Estelle Kennelly, and then was CAP Coordinator


Jenny Wiley Arena: Emergency Response Program Assistant; Communications Coordinator (2011-2013); Director of External Affairs (2013-2014)


Polly Arenberg: Editor, Communications and Publications


Norbert S. Baer: NCAC Board Member (1973-1976), NCAC Library and Archives Study Committee (1973-1978), Chair of NCAC Education Study Committee (1973-1979)


Susan J. Bandes: NIC Treasurer (1987-1989)


Paul N. Banks (1934-2000): NCAC Board Member (1973-1978), NCAC Library and Archives Study Committee (1973-1978), NCAC Education Study Committee (1973-1979)

Elisabeth Batchelor: Heritage Preservation Board Member (1997-1998)


Kelsey Scouten Bates: CAP Program Assistant (2000-2002)

Arthur C. Beale: NCAC President (1981), NIC President (1982- 1985), NCAC Education Study Committee (1973-1979)

James Bernstein: NIC Board Member (1987-1989)


Livingston Ludlow Biddle, Jr.  (1918-2002): Chairman of the NEA from (1977- 1981)

Ingrid E. Bogel: Heritage Preservation Board Member (2001-2003)


Michael Botwinick: NCAC Board Member (1979-1980)


Kristin Braddock: Receptionist (1999-2000)


Amanda Browne: Emergency Response Program Assistant (2012-2014)


Karen Theimer Brown: worked for SOS


Richard D. Buck (1903-1977): NCAC Education Study Committee (1973-1977)


Linda Budhinata: Accounting Assistant; Fiscal Administrator (1999-2015)


Bonnie Burnham: NIC By Laws Committee (1985)

Marigene H. Butler: NCAC/NIC Board Member (1973-1984), NCAC Vice President (1976), NCAC President (1979-1980), NCAC Regional Center Study Committee (1973-1976), NCAC Scientific Support Study Committee (1973-1979). Read her personal essay about Heritage Preservation.


Marshall Elliott Carroll (1923-1980): FAIA (NCAC Board Member (1976-1979), Chair of NCAC Architectural Conservation (1973-1980)


Kelly Chisholm worked for Clare Hansen


Tom Clareson: Heritage Preservation Board Member (2002-2015), Treasurer (2005-2008), Secretary (2009-2012), Chair (2013-2015) 


Lynn Clark worked for SOS!


Rashan Clark: Administrative Assistant - Membership Development (2002-2003)

Victor Charles Bamert Covey: NCAC Board Member (1976-1978), NCAC Vice President (1977-1978), NCAC Education Study Committee (1973-1979) 


John J. Cullinane, AIA: NCAC Architectural Conservation Study Committee (1973-1980)


George M. Cunha (1912-1994): NCAC Library and Archives Study Committee (1973-1978), NCAC Regional Centers Study Committee (1973-1976)


Melissa D'Lado: Executive Assistant (2006-2008)


Sonia Dingilian: SOS! Program Assistant (1998-2000)


K. Dixon: Editor (1997-1999)


Terry Drayman-Weisser: NCAC/NIC Board Member (1981-1984), NCAC Scientific Support Study Committee (1973-1979)


Inge-Lise Eckmann Lane: NIC/Heritage Preservation Chair (1987-2000)Read her personal essay about Heritage Preservation.


Moira Egan: Executive Vice President (1999-2012)


Margaret Holben Ellis: Heritage Preservation Board Member (2012-2015)


Gretchen Gayle Ellsworth: NCAC Secretary (1973-1981), NIC Secretary (1982-1984)


Dr. Robert L. Feller  (1919-2018): NCAC Board Member (1973-1978), President (1976-1978), Chair of NCAC Scientific Support Study Committee (1973-1976)


Laura Firczuk: SOS! Program Assistant (1997-2000)


Dennis Fiori: Heritage Preservation Board Member (1997-2005), Vice Chair (1997-2000), Chair (2001-2002)


Lori Foley: VP Emergency Programs (2011-2015)


Maria Galban: CAP Program Assistant (2005-2007)


Nadina Gardner: Assistant Director, Heritage Health Index


Daria Gasparini: SOS! Program Assistant (1997-2000)


Edward Gilbert (1917-2007): NCAC President (1973-1975)


Sarah Glass: CAP Program Assistant (2008-2011)


Sara Gonzales: CAP Coordinator (2008-2012)

Karen Groce: Collections Care Program Assistant (1996-1998)

Migs Grove: second in command to the President

Celine Guisset: Emergency Response Program Assistant (2001-2002)


Mina Haeri: Receptionist (1997-1999)


Doris A. Hamburg: Heritage Preservation Board Member (2004-2010)


Clare Hansen: Director - Collections Care (1993-2004)


Ruth Hargreaves: Project Director, Heritage Emergency National Task Force


Illana Heilweil: Receptionist (1999)


Barbara Heller: Heritage Preservation Board Member (1997-2003), Secretary (1997-1999)


Frances Ann Hitchcock: NCAC/NIC Board Member (1981-1984)


Rory House: Administrative Assistant, Membership Development (2000-2002); CAP Program Assistant (2002-2004)


Wei Huang: Accounting Assistant (1998-1999)


Charles Hummel: NCAC Vice President (1981), NIC Vice President (1982-1984), NCAC Education Study Committee (1973-1979). Read his personal essay about Heritage Preservation.


Lauren Hunley: Assistant to the President and Vice President (2008-2011)


Jane Hutchins: NIC Board Member (1987-1989)


Elsa Huxley: Communications Coordinator (2008-2012)


Kat Irranejad: SOS! Program Assistant (1999-2000)


Caroline Keck (1908-2007): NCAC Board Member (1973-1976), NCAC Regional Centers Study Committee (1973-1976)


Sheldon Waugh Keck (1910-1993): NCAC Chair (1977-1981), NCAC Education Study Committee (1973-1979) 


Mary Estelle Kennelly: CAP Coordinator (1989-1993)


John Ketchum: Programs Assistant from ’89-93, and Emergency Response Coordinator from ‘94-96


Russell V. Keune, F.A.I.A (1938-2015): NCAC Architectural Conservation Study Committee (1973-1980) 


Antoinette C. King (1932- 2014): NCAC Scientific Support Study Committee (1973-1979)


Tom Klarner (1954- 2014): Heritage Preservation Board Member (2007-2012), Treasurer (2009-2012)


Phillip A. Knachel: NCAC Library and Archives Study Committee (1973-1978)   


Lars Kokkonen: SOS! Program Assistant (1997-2000)


Jay Krueger: Heritage Preservation Board Member (1997-2000). Read his personal essay about Heritage Preservation.


Lucille Kurtz: Executive Assistant/Office Manager (2000-2006)


Kristen Overbeck Laise: CAP Coordinator (1994-2001), Director of the Heritage Health Index Information Survey (HHI) (2001-2006), VP Collections Care Programs (2006-2013)


Lesley Langa:  Director of Heritage Preservation’s Heritage Health Information Survey (HHI II) from (2013-2015)​


Maribelle Leavitt: Heritage Preservation Board Member (2002-2003)


Katelin Lee: Emergency Response Program Assistant (2014-2015)


Jennifer LeFurge: Administrative Assistant to President


William Leisher (1941-1992): NIC Board Member (1982-1989), Vice Chair (1987-1989), President (1989) 


Jane Sennett Long (1950-2016): Development Director (1983), Vice President of Emergency Programs (1994-2010)


Linda Lynch: Development Director (1982-1983)


Lawrence J. Majewski (1919-1999): NCAC Regional Centers Study Committee (1973-1978)


Dr. Philip Parker Mason: Library and Archives Study Committee (1973-1978)


James C. Massey: NCAC Architectural Conservation Study Committee (1973-1978)


Kate Marks: CAP Program Assistant, Director of CAP (2004-2008)


Theresa Martinez: Assistant to the President and Vice President (2011-2012), CAP Coordinator, CAP Director (2012-2015)


Frank Matero: Heritage Preservation Secretary (2000-2003)


Linda Merck-Gould: NIC Board Member (1985), By Laws Committee (1985)


Yael Meirovich: worked on Heritage Health Index


Ross Merrill (1943-2010): NIC President (1995)


Jan Merrill Oldham (1947-2011): Heritage Preservation Board Member (1997-2000)


Lisa Mibach: NIC Board Member (1988)


Diane Mossholder: Editor (1999-2008)


Lee Nelson (1927-1994): NCAC Architectural Conservation Study Committee (1973-1980)


Susan Nichols: Director SOS! (1989-2003)


Debra Hess Norris: Heritage Preservation Board Member (1997-2006, 2012-2015), Vice Chair (2001-2002), Chair (2003-2006)


Sherelyn Ogden: Heritage Preservation Board Member (2004-2010) 


Robert Organ (1917-2011): NCAC Education Study Committee (1973-1979) 


Patsy OrlofskyNIC Secretary (1993)


Cindy Olsen: Emergency Response Program Assistant (2000-2006)


Anita Overchase: worked for SOS!


Julie A. Page: Heritage Preservation Board Member (2009-2015), Secretary (2013-2015)


Nicholas A. Pappas: NCAC Architectural Conservation Study Committee (1973-1980)


Melissa Parlock: CAP Program Assistant (2014-2015)


Anthony Pelegrin: Fiscal Administrator (1989-1998)


Beverly Perkins: Heritage Preservation Board Member (2012-2015), Treasurer (2013-2015) 


Roy Perkinson: NCAC Board Member (1977-1981), Heritage Preservation Board Member (1997-2000) 


Paul N. Perrot: Assistant Secretary for Museums at the Smithsonian (1972-1984)


Liz Perry: Second-in-Command to the President


Harold L. Peterson (1922-1978): NCAC Board Member (1975-1976), NCAC Education Study Committee (1973-1978)


Kate Peterson: Administrative Assistant (2013-2014)


Wynne Phelan: Heritage Preservation Board Member (2006-2010) 


Morgan W. Phillips (1943–1996): NCAC Architectural Conservation Study Committee (1973-1980) 


Wahida Mohideen Plummer: Fiscal Administrator (1984-1988) 


Jerry Podany: Heritage Preservation Board Member (2004-2005) 


Frazer G. Poole (1916-1999): NCAC Library and Archives Study Committee (1973-1980), NCAC Education Study Committee (1973-1979


Peter Gallaudet Powers (1930-2006): NCAC Board Member (1977-1981)


Stephanie Randall: Emergency Response Program Assistant (2007-2008)


Susanne Rast: SOS! Program Assistant (2000-2004)


F. Blair Reeves (1923-2012): NCAC Architectural Conservation Study Committee (1973-1980)


Lawrence L. Reger: NIC/Heritage Preservation Board Member (1987-2015), NIC/Heritage Preservation President (1988-2015) 


Dr. George Reilly: NCAC Scientific Support Study Committee (1973-1980)


Julie Reilly: Heritage Preservation Board Member (1999-2008), Treasurer (2002- 2005) 


Mervin Richard: Heritage Preservation Board Member (1997-2012), Vice Chair (2003-2006), Chair (2007-2012). Read his personal essay about Heritage Preservation.


Joseph Rishel: NIC Board Member (1987-1989)


Clements L. Robertson (1920-2016): NCAC Regional Centers Study Committee (1973-1976)


Mary Rogers: Emergency Response Program Assistant (2006-2013)


Jimena Rojas: Emergency Response Program Assistant (2006-2008); Editor (2008-2011)


Carolyn Rose (1949-2002): NIC Chair (1985-1989) 


Ann Russell: NIC Treasurer (1986) 


Sara Russell: Executive Assistant/Office Manager (1998-2000)


Susanne P. Sack: NCAC Board Member (1977-1981)


Frank Sanchis: NIC Board Member (1997-1999) 


Dr. Edward V. Sayre (1919-2007): NCAC Board Member (1977-1981), NCAC Scientific Support Study Committee (1973-1980) 


Nancy Schamu: Heritage Preservation Secretary (2004-2008) 


Elisabeth K. Schulte: Heritage Preservation Board Member (2006-2015), Vice Chair (2008-2012) 


David Schute: NCAC/NIC Executive Director (1973-1987)


Will Shank: Rescue Public Murals, read his personal essay about Heritage Preservation.


Jane Slate Siena: Secretary/ Assistant Director (1982-1985)


Kyra Skvir: CAP Program Assistant (1998-2000)


Rachel Sloan: Emergency Response Program Assistant (2008-2009)

Merrily A. Smith: NIC Secretary (1988)


Dr Peter G. Sparks: Director of the Preservation Office of the Library of Congress (1981-1989)


John Spencer (1923-1994): NCAC/NIC Treasurer (1981-1984) 


Rose Stapp: SOS! Program Assistant (2001-2004)


Dr. Victoria Steele: Heritage Preservation Board Member (1999-2006), Treasurer (1999-2001) 


Adrienne Stone: SOS! Program Assistant (2000-2003)


Dr. Joyce Hill Stoner: Executive Director for the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation (now Foundation for Advancement in Conservation) from 1975-1979, has been coordinator of the FAIC oral history project since 1975


Anne Sugar: Assistant Director, SOS! (1999-2000)


Christa Sundell: Assistant to the President and Vice President (2011-2013); Managed Heritage Preservation membership; Supported Save Outdoor Sculpture!, Emergency Programs, and Connecting to Collections


F. Christopher Tahk: NCAC Scientific Support Study Committee (1973-1979), Chair (1977-1979)


Thomas Taylor: NIC APT Rep (1988) 


Cindy Thompson: Emergency Response Program Assistant (2008-2011)


Jonathan Thornton: Heritage Preservation Board Member (1997-2000)


Jessica Unger: Emergency Response Program Assistant (2014-2015)


Dianne van der Reyden: Director for Preservation, Library of Congress (2005-2012)


Charles van Ravenswaay (1911-1990): NCAC Vice Chair (1973-1975)


Dianne van der Reyden: Heritage Preservation Board Member (2006-2012)

Lambertus (Bert) van Zelst: NIC APT Rep (1988) 


Rich Vidutis: Heritage Health Index


Marilyn Weidner (1928-2017): NIC APT Rep (1988) 


Norman Weiss: NCAC Architectural Conservation Study Committee (1978-1980, NCAC Scientific Support Study Committee (1973-1979)


Jill Wiley White: Assistant Director - SOS! (1993-2001)


Gordon Williams: NCAC Library and Archives Study Committee (1973-1978)


Dr. John C. Williams: NCAC Scientific Support Study Committee (1973-1979


Dr. Stephen L. Williams (1948-2018): Heritage Preservation Board Member (2001-2003)


Gretchen Wolf: worked for SOS!


Margaret Delaittre Younts: Associate Director of Heritage Preservation


Melanie Zucker: Head of Heritage Preservation’s Conservation Assessment Program (CAP)  (2012- 2015) 

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